Ellen Arnold
on 16 October 2014
We are excited to announce the membership of Talligent in Canonical’s Charm Partner Programme. Talligent empowers enterprises and service providers to deploy Business-Ready Clouds on OpenStack by dramatically improving the visibility and control of infrastructure consumption. This allows customers to differentiate and monetise their cloud services with flexible billing/chargeback, improve management visibility with intuitive reporting, and decrease response times with self-service access.
Ubuntu is the world’s most popular platform for OpenStack deployments and the most commonly deployed guest operating system on all the major public clouds. As such, it represents a tremendous revenue opportunity for solution providers, such as Talligent. By joining the Charm Partner Programme, Talligent will access the cost and speed benefits that have made Ubuntu and its ecosystem a mainstay in the age of the cloud.
Sanjay Mishra, Co Founder and Chief Architect of Talligent says; “We are thrilled to become part of the growing Ubuntu OpenStack ecosystem and look forward to accentuating our solution with the ease and flexibility Juju offers.”
To learn more about the Charm Partner Programme, please visit http://partners.ubuntu.com/partner-programmes/software